Permanent steps are indispensable in the present condition to ensure stability
Africa is not a place where the population is well fed and has plenty of opportunities to earn their lively hood like Cargo to Africa is a big opportunity to grow the business. Instead, it is a land where poverty rules and children and older sector dies of lack of nutrition. In such a case, people who educate with lots of hard work and facing a bundle of problems do not want to remain in the continent or in their respective country and migrate to other areas which have more opportunities.
In this situation, the welcoming country and in this case Britain is facing problems and they are now starting to think over the situation to improve this crisis which is making their own citizens suffer.
Main Reasons for Migration:
No one wants to leave the place where he/she is born and live alone while facing trouble and devoid of a decent living place. But not only Africa, other poor countries lacking jobs and decent workstations put their occupiers in such a situation. On one side the job seeking personals are growing and on the other hand, prospects are becoming less and less. In such circumstances, people either go to another country in the continent or travel towards another continent. Lack of industry joblessness is making the people flee from the land because no one can see their family die due to lack of necessities of life which is their right.
Ray of Hope:
At present, the only hope for the people is the increasing trade international market. But the problem over here is that exchange of goods is not profitable till now as the money earn is again spent to trade for the essential items that are needed for leading a decent life.
So the trade is a positive thing for small Logistic businesses but the overall situation remains the same on the national level and when this condition will improve only then change in the living standard of the citizens occur.
Lack of Infrastructure and Common Welfare:
These two things are the main hurdles which are responsible for poor economic conditions of a country. These problems result in lack of communication and hence no one wants to work for the welfare of a common man, instead, everyone struggles for filling their own pockets. An Intelligent decision by the government of African countries would be to look for flaws within and rectify them to decrease pressure on themselves and on the helping country.
Direction Britain is following
The UK government is not forcing the immigrants out of its boundaries but it certainly is considering to tight the border conditions for permitting migrants in the country. The country is already in a state of uncertainty due to Brexit due in 2019 and is simultaneously dealing with many affairs and this crucial matter is making things difficult to be handled. Also, UK is urging the African authorities to reach the root cause and eliminate the reason for fleeing of its population.
Industries should be put up to increase job opportunities so that the fresh graduates have a livelihood whenever they finish their university. This permanent solution is the only way which can reduce immigration as handling such a big number of immigrants from every country is not affordable.