Tag: COVID-19

  • The slower pace of Cargo to Africa owing to Brexit, COVID-19 and AFCFTA

    The slower pace of Cargo to Africa owing to Brexit, COVID-19 and AFCFTA

    The changing scenario of cargo to Africa due to the ABC Triangle 

    Though not much developed and advanced truly speaking, Africa stakes a claim to be the second populous and largest continent of the world after Asia. It is a fact that twenty per cent population of this planet earth resides here.

    cargo to africa
    cargo to africa

    Africa is severely facing environmental issues like deforestation, water shortage and desertification. It is of great interest that eastern Africa is regarded as the origin of humans. It has a complex history that explores the various hidden facts about the universe.

    Cargo deliveries from the UK to Africa

    The United Kingdom has always been a hotspot for the migrants and also for the Africans and sub-Saharan countries of Africa. After leaving their homeland many decades ago, these African are still keeping the love for their native areas alive.

    That is why, there is a huge flow of Cargo to Africa from UK and other African countries like Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. The statistics reveal that about 1500 million tons of cargo deliveries are carried out either by air cargo or sea cargo. This cargo transportation occurs either for business or personal basis.

    Is there any difference between cargo and freight?

    Gone are the days when excess baggage or parcel shipping reached its destination in Africa after many days. Now advent and application of sophisticated technology, has made it quite easier and swift. You will come across two terminologies in shipping the consignment i.e. cargo and freight.

    All the goods that are on transport by truck or train or van are termed as firelight. On the other hand, Cargo is referred to as the transportation of goods carriage in larger planes and ships.

    Packages offered by cargo companies

    Africa is the largest minerals exporter of the world and in the western industry, manpower is also fed from here. Various ports in Africa are engaged in cargo deliveries. Likewise, for sending cargo, extra goods, parcels, gifts to your near and dear ones in various locations of Africa, the cargo companies offer you attractive and low priced package for send excess baggage to Africa from UK, parcel and for other gifts cargo as well.

    Ocean Cargo
    Ocean Cargo

    Availing these services, you can send your belongings from Tunisia to South Africa and from Ethiopia to Mauritia. By these services, you can send your parcels and gifts to any country and distant locations of Africa.

    Cargo to Africa is reshaping itself

    Cargo to Africa is reshaped completely due to three consecutive incidences when we look at the cargo-trade between Africa and the UK. These three happenings are termed as ABC Triangle i.e. African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA), the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union under Brexit agreement and pandemic of COVID-19. A plethora of unwinding opportunities there were in cargo to Africa, under the impact ABC triangle.

    It is worthwhile to look at the trade relationships between the UK and Africa. The history witnessed many ups and downs and saw the dwindled UK Africa relationships. By the research of economists, there is huge potential to boost further for strengthening cargo trade initiatives.

    The figures obtained in this regard, depict that there is still the potential of exporting electronic equipment, coca products and apparel. Similarly, the UK export potential to Africa exceeds £8 billion that can further be expanded.

    Currently, meagre export of mineral fuels, electrical equipment, vehicles and machines can be increased further. By this, the trade gap could be bridged between the UK and Africa. This is also a fact, however, that after the Netherlands, the UK boasts of being the fourth investor in Africa.

    To what extent cargo to Africa is affected by COVID-19

    Realistically speaking, cargo business in general and particularly in Africa, is facing many hardships and situation is further worsened owing to COVID-19 pandemic. Everything is affected by this pandemic and the whole global market is having its shocking jerks consistently.

    Now we are passing through the second wave of corona and medical experts and even WHO have issued warnings in this context that if strict compliance on the guidelines issued by the governments is not followed, a severe loss could occur.

    You can well perceive the threats caused by this viral disease that even the worlds’ stable economies like America, the UK and other European countries are feeling their helplessness to control this disease. The economic indicators are going to lower side, day by day.


    We observed in the first wave of COVID-19 that cargo business got the greatest loss when almost all flights were closed. However now flights operation is in function and the cargo deliveries from the UK to Africa are being executed. But the predicted, strict impact could halt the flights if corona gets more severity in coming days.

    Another factor affecting the cargo to Africa is increased freight costs. And it remains often uncertain as freight costs are regulated by scores of economic parameters like fuel costs, the demand of freight, customer loyalty, vehicle capacity and geopolitical happenings.

  • Corona Virus and its Impact on Cargo Industry

    Corona Virus and its Impact on Cargo Industry

    We are sorry to break this to you, but Corona virus is not done with the world yet. As a matter of fact, in many countries it is yet to peak including USA and United Kingdom. According to the latest figures, Covid-19 has caused over 1.6 million confirmed cases and over 97 thousand confirmed deaths (unofficial figures showing numbers way above the official ones) In united kingdom it has around 65 thousand confirmed cases and around 8 thousand confirmed deaths, and it’s just in the middle of its destructive streak yet. It is affecting the whole world at the moment and disrupting every aspect of normal life.

    Cargo industry is severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Almost every country in the world has momentarily blocked the access to its ports and have imposed strict restrictions for berthing of the ships and handling of their crew. Air traffic is facing the difficulties and blockages of its own and is indeed battling to survive financially in those circumstances.

    Cargo industry in many countries is viewed as critical infrastructure and is requested to continue their operations as usual so they are operating round the clock to keep the economy and critical supplies running where there is permission by the respective government.

    Cargo and parcel industry is taking every possible step to keep its employees and its customers safe and is complying with the guidelines issued by the respective authorities and World Health Organization and US centers for diseases control and prevention.

    Cargo Industry
    Cargo Industry

    World Health organization has issued a detailed guidance program to the aviation industry that include the air cargo industry and has requested to comply with it.

    Here are the main points from the circular.

    • Awareness to aviation personnel about the recognition of signs and symptoms of COVID-19
    • Aviation personnel should take preventative measures including social distancing, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, waste disposal, use of mask, and avoidance of contact with people presenting respiratory symptoms.
    • Avoidance of public transport as private transport will be arranged by the company.
    • Carrying universal precaution kits that contain dry powder, germicidal disinfectant/wipes, face/eye mask full-length long-sleeved gown and Biohazard disposable waste bag.
    • Immediate reporting of any potential suspect case and disembarkation of the suspect.
    • Identification and management of contacts that were in contact with the suspect.

    As far as the cargo is concerned, World Health organization has confirmed that there are very less likely chances that any virus would survive once the cargo is reached at its destination. Following are a few reasons why it says so.

    • Every government has set out very stringent rules about the cargo prevention and it is compulsory to spray with strong disinfectants before the cargo is loaded aboard.
    • Each parcel is packaged in water tight and air tight packaging so it is not likely to be contaminated during the transportation.
    • Corona virus can only live on such surface for only few hours and since these packages takes several days to be transported and delivered to their destination. Chances are slim that there would be any contamination left on them.
    • Cargo goes through different extreme atmospheres for several days and that makes it impossible for any virus to survive.
    • At every port and airport, it is compulsory that every incoming cargo lot need to be sprayed by strong germicidal disinfectant so again it’s unlikely for the virus to survive.

    It is important to remember that while every government and health organization is doing its utmost to keep us safe from any effects of this deadly virus, we should also take protective measures while receiving the parcels.

    • Although chances are virtually zero that your package that has reached you after 7 days have any traces of virus left on it, but if you would like to be absolutely sure then pick up the package with a tissue, leave it aside in open air for tree days spray it with disinfectant and wash your hands immediately.
    • Normal approach should be to practice social distancing, bring the parcel in open it up and then wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and then use a sanitizer.
    • Make sure you do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes immediately after you touch the parcel and clean up before you can relax and touch your face.

    In the end, best advice is to stay at home, practice social distancing and minimize all your activities. By staying at home, you not only save yourself but also save many other lives by not burdening the frontline health services that are busy treating the critically ill. Stay safe, stay inside.