UK Reaffirming Trade Relations with Africa

A new trade relation is said to trigger after Brexit

Africa is not a highly developed region. Most areas in this region are underdeveloped and rely highly on foreign aid. So it can be said that the extreme conditions in African states decide the trade, especially in areas that are largely affected by draught and malnutrition due to absence of enough food. The higher spectrum is represented by South Africa that is the leading trade body in the region, while areas like Burundi have the least trading power.

Countries that rely heavily on imports and cargo services to run the state are always insecure due to changing deals internationally; so is the case with Africa. The uncertain conditions prevailing after the announcement of Brexit has raised questions and UK is leaving no stone unturned to convey a firm message of no harm to be established on its relationship with African countries.

Internal Issues:

African extremity struck regions always faces the misfortune of not having enough food and life facilities to move forward. The internal problems grip the region so tightly that coming out becomes impossible and foreign aid becomes the only means for relief. So the African countries which are underdeveloped, import medicines as well as food items to survive such a tough life.

These problems hinders the way for this region to develop fully as it is rich in its natural resources but without a proper infrastructure and policy, the people cannot fully take advantage of its own wherewithal. Machinery and equipments are regularly imported with the notion of having access to its resources with the help of these equipments.

Brexit and the uncertain trade environment answered:

UK has never denied having a positive and growing trade relation with Cargo to Africa. It has been cleared that Brexit means exit with Europe and not with Africa. This clearly indicates that in no condition UK has the idea of breaking ties with commonwealth countries in Europe. The delegation to Africa has affirmed that it will not end its commitment to the continent. Furthermore delegations to different regions in the continent are being sent by the African states so that a positive message can be conveyed of the firm relations of UK and the region.

Relations with South Africa:

The UK government has laid special emphasis on its relations with South Africa which is its largest economic and political partner in the continent. As being the main contributor in the economy of Africa and a developed region in this continent, it attracts trade from around the world. This region is very important for the economy of this continent. The present Prime Minister of UK has said very clearly that her government does not intend to become isolated from the world and follow the foot steps of others.

Importance given to Africa by UK:

The importance of trade between Africa and UK can be clearly seen by the visit of UK officials to the continent especially South Africa.

This was a short visit and was carried out immediately after the announcement of Brexit. The other two countries that were visited on that short trip were Japan and South Korea. These and future tours were meant to confirm strong ties of UK globally.