
  • Cargo Trade Agreements Between UK and South Africa

    Especial emphasis is being put on the future of trade relations after Brexit

    South Africa is the largest trade partner of UK and the second largest in EU. With such a big trade relations to both the sides, there are certainly insecurities that are leading to more and more meetings between the two countries regarding the arrangements that are to be made to lessen the effect of Brexit on trade of both the countries. An interim arrangement was being discussed based on the already existing EU partnership deal. This is to ensure that the transfer will not hurt the trading relation and the procedure will be smooth and without complications to streamline Cargo to Africa. Because both are strong trade partners, such actions are obligatory to ensure harmony.

    An Intelligent Decision is needed:

    What is expected from both the sides is to take this time period as a fruitful era. There are still two years before Brexit and lot will be decided by UK as well the trading partners. There will be a total loss if there is any decision that can harm these trade relationships in any way. Both UK and South Africa are in very good positions to reach a point where both can prosper more in trade and make most out of the situation.

    The increasing meetings and revising agreements are very important steps and both the countries should act wisely to reach an interim agreement that will support the trade and cargo from both means like sea cargo and air cargo, while the situation becomes clear after a hard or soft Brexit whatever the case is. Countries are trying to secure their relations with UK to make things move as they are and not have any harm due to the process.

    What is UK expecting of South Africa?

    Many of us always talk about the other countries but what about UK? While others are making arrangements to secure their ends, UK also demands something in return. There are tariff rates which are fixed for the domestic commodities to save them from the competitive imports in the economic partnership agreement of EU. Lower tariff is applied on those products to come in but in certain quota, any volume above the decided one is considered prohibitive traffic.

    UK wants SA to discuss this point that tariff rate volumes remain the same and not decrease after Brexit. EU has not increased them even if there is an increase in the members so the expectation form the UK side is that South Africa will not reduce it when the time comes.

    Ensuring uninterrupted Trade:

    Because of such strong ties, none of the two parties want to have a negative effect of Brexit on the trade side. The interim arrangement will ensure that the trade between the two countries remains smooth and uninterrupted. A halt in the trade will mean a heck of loss for both the sides.

    The increasing meetings and this arrangement also hints towards how important are these two countries for each others trade. The South African Customs Union (SACU) has already sent a letter to UK to make a suggestion of discussions between the two nations to establish an interim agreement to avoid any distasteful experiences for both sides in terms of trade.

  • Popular Ports of Africa

    Trade in the present time is an important business

    As the technology has evolved, many other things are automated to the next level. Among these is the importance of trade which has become an important factor in the increase of income and having an access to the world market. There is no similar situation in the markets of different parts of the world and what is being on sale in one part may not be present in the other. To get access to the product, deals are made so that the spread of a product globally can be made possible by exchanging goods with money.

    Africa is a very fruitful continent and 90% of its trade is being carried out by sea cargo. That’s why, sea ports are very important and special emphasis should be made to get the most out of it. There are some very busy ports in Africa which are very important due to their geological placement. These ports must be made secure and extended so as to increase the trade not only in South Africa but also throughout Africa.

    Port of Durban:

    The Port of Durban is situated in South Africa and it is considered as the busiest port in the sub-Saharan Africa. It is said to handle approximately 31.4 million tons of cargo to Arica each year.

    This does not only make it the busiest port in Africa but also in the southern hemisphere. African trade depends mostly on South Africa and it is the major trade state that is mainly responsible for the economy of the continent.

    Port Mombasa:

    This port is situated on the waters of Kenya in between South Africa as well as Gulf of Aden. Importance of this port can be seen due to its position and it also connects 80 ports all around the world.

    The port not only connects globally with sea ports but also there is a railway line stretching from Uganda to Tanzania. This port is also very important and handles huge cargo traffic and marks second place in the world.

    Port of Djibouti:

    This is another important port which is situated in the city of Djibouti. The port is special due its location in one of the busiest trade paths; it links Europe and Far East, where even Chinese Government is directly involved in the port.

    The trade point is not only important for its trade traffic but also it has naval importance as various nations use it as a military outpost.

    Port of Lagos:

    This port is controlled by Nigerian Ports Authority. This port is crucial to Nigeria as there is a major portion of GDP that this port contributes to the economy.

    This port performs many operations including berthing, cargo handling and stacking areas. The number of cargo traffic can be estimated by the volume of money it generates for the country.

    Port of Abidjan:

    The port is operational since 1950s in Ivory Coast. This port is considered very important for the transshipment and is a busy port in the West Africa.

    The port not only offers cargo shipments, but also it is a fishing port. The port handled 22 million of cargo containers which is a big number.

  • Vehicle Export from UK to South Africa

    Build a trustworthy situation with the basic knowledge at hand

    Having the basic knowledge of the procedure makes you aware of the whole process. You, then have the knowledge that what effort and time is required to have this difficult job done by the shippers and do not question the delay, if hapened. Vehicles are mostly transported through sea cargo freight, as African states rely mostly on sea for its imports and exports.

    The know how of the underlying procedure for vehicle transport to African Countries from UK is important, not only to know the system is good so that you don’t face any uncertain situation but also for a better relation with the freight forwarder. There is an expensive thing you are going to export and having it under special care is an ideal situation which can only be achieved by trusting the way they will work.

    Other documents needed:

    Apart from these two, there are other documents that are needed to import vehicles into South Africa. Photo copy of the passport, a copy of the vehicle’s license document (the V5) is also needed and a valid MOT certificate may also be required. Along with these, there are shipping documents as bill of landing which is issued at the time of departure from UK, which is an evidence of export of the automobile from its territory.

    The letter of authority and import permit that is arranged in most of the cases by the freight forwarder, if it does not get issued at time or before the vehicle reaches the port, it gets refused to enter the territory.

    Duty and Tax:

    There is a difference over here, also in case of duty and tax applicable to be paid on the car while sending any Cargo to Africa from UK. If the person importing the car is going to be a permanent immigrant or a returning citizen who is going to be permanently shifting, can import one vehicle which will be exempt of duty. But if the importer does not fit in the required fields then the duty is calculated according to the age of the vehicle. The VAT rate is 14% as set as a standard by the authorities, but this is just for the vehicles; for other goods the rate is different.

    This detail is just for the custom clearance process and is not a full version, as it is difficult to jolt down the whole paper here. For the vehicle to be categorized as fit, there is another process which the owner has to go through to prove the car or any other vehicle type to be fit to run on South African roads.

    Paper work required:

    As any other country, there are some necessary papers that are needed and have to be completed for the whole procedure to pass through the cargo custom procedure smoothly. Otherwise, you will get into trouble for delay in the shipment and delay in reaching the final destination.

    Letter of Authority: Letter of authority is to be acquired from the South African authority to have the vehicle enter its limits. Without this document, it is impossible to have your vehicle cleared from customs.

    Import Permit: Another vital document is import permit. This is also an important document to have your vehicle through the port into the country and finally the destination. There is difference in the documentation asked by the authorities for new immigrants and returning South African residents.

  • UK Reaffirming Trade Relations with Africa

    A new trade relation is said to trigger after Brexit

    Africa is not a highly developed region. Most areas in this region are underdeveloped and rely highly on foreign aid. So it can be said that the extreme conditions in African states decide the trade, especially in areas that are largely affected by draught and malnutrition due to absence of enough food. The higher spectrum is represented by South Africa that is the leading trade body in the region, while areas like Burundi have the least trading power.

    Countries that rely heavily on imports and cargo services to run the state are always insecure due to changing deals internationally; so is the case with Africa. The uncertain conditions prevailing after the announcement of Brexit has raised questions and UK is leaving no stone unturned to convey a firm message of no harm to be established on its relationship with African countries.

    Internal Issues:

    African extremity struck regions always faces the misfortune of not having enough food and life facilities to move forward. The internal problems grip the region so tightly that coming out becomes impossible and foreign aid becomes the only means for relief. So the African countries which are underdeveloped, import medicines as well as food items to survive such a tough life.

    These problems hinders the way for this region to develop fully as it is rich in its natural resources but without a proper infrastructure and policy, the people cannot fully take advantage of its own wherewithal. Machinery and equipments are regularly imported with the notion of having access to its resources with the help of these equipments.

    Brexit and the uncertain trade environment answered:

    UK has never denied having a positive and growing trade relation with Cargo to Africa. It has been cleared that Brexit means exit with Europe and not with Africa. This clearly indicates that in no condition UK has the idea of breaking ties with commonwealth countries in Europe. The delegation to Africa has affirmed that it will not end its commitment to the continent. Furthermore delegations to different regions in the continent are being sent by the African states so that a positive message can be conveyed of the firm relations of UK and the region.

    Relations with South Africa:

    The UK government has laid special emphasis on its relations with South Africa which is its largest economic and political partner in the continent. As being the main contributor in the economy of Africa and a developed region in this continent, it attracts trade from around the world. This region is very important for the economy of this continent. The present Prime Minister of UK has said very clearly that her government does not intend to become isolated from the world and follow the foot steps of others.

    Importance given to Africa by UK:

    The importance of trade between Africa and UK can be clearly seen by the visit of UK officials to the continent especially South Africa.

    This was a short visit and was carried out immediately after the announcement of Brexit. The other two countries that were visited on that short trip were Japan and South Korea. These and future tours were meant to confirm strong ties of UK globally.

  • A Wave of Fresh Air for Africa

    Rise in air freight demand gives an optimistic direction to the continent

    Africa is a region facing various critical economic situations. Many areas are facing draught and children are suffering from malnutrition. Then there is the problem of sea piracy prevailing, it shifts from one region to another according to the security conditions. Rise in the air freight demand is certainly good news in such situation where one cannot think of development. The rise is not a temporary condition; there is gradual increase in it and in the current year it is still rising.

    One pointed Reason of the rise:

    There is one major reason for the rise as indicated; the shipment of silicon materials is one underlying reason. The silicon materials are used in high-value consumer electronic and obviously are an important element in the build up. This shipment is done through air and not through sea, that is may be the reason why the air freight demand is increasing.

    Impact of Increase in Freight Demand:

    IATA’s Director General and CEO have stated some very positive impacts of the increase and one of which is the optimistic impact that the increasing exports are having on the businesses. The rise is after six years of uncertainty that the market experienced and it is certainly returning the confidence of the investors as well as the traders. Many cargo companies like Cargo to Africa plays vital role in the development of cargo business and goods transfer to and from Africa.

    The story does not end here; there is still a lot of area to be covered by the continent in order to make the situation more favorable for the rise in living standards of the citizens. There is only one region in the continent that has everything for the occupants and that is South Africa. It is responsible for a major portion trade in the continent and due to the exporting power, its economy is strong and it is a partner to many strong global countries.

    What is needed?

    The question which is most important is that how the earned capital will reach the common man? Because if the reforms are not done from the lower level, the betterment of the people cannot take place. For this, the authorities have to make effort and eliminate the elements that are disturbing the whole system. First one is corruption, then there is a lack of communication among the institutions and these two things contribute a lot to interrupt the even flow of money to all levels.

    Findings of IATA:

    Africa air freight demand is the leading one in the global market. According to the figures given by International Air Transport Association (IATA), Africa showed the highest rate of year-to-year increase and the increase is not specific to any demand, it is in all regions. The recorded increase is not specific to any one region, but all in general have shown the rise.

    The freight volumes have grown to 33.5 percent and the capacity of the region has grown to 6 percent as compared to last year. If we see in the present year, since the start of this year, the rise has been recorded as 11 percent and the capacity has risen to 3.7 percent in the mean time.

  • African Food Trade on the Rise

    Tracing out the reasons of rising food importation in African region

    Africa is amongst the populated continents that have variety of states. Among them, South Africa is the most developed one, while the others are striving hard to make their way for improvement. Africa is considered as a region that is rich in its resources for agriculture, but there are factors that restrict the population from using their own land to fulfill the food requirements. The ones who get mostly affected by this situation are children and older population. The local food production is less than the total population for this reason, the demand of Cargo to Africa for food rises every year according to the country.

    What are the main Reasons?

    With area so big and having a viable environment for agriculture and other raw food items, what comes in the way that this cannot be achieved and the authorities have to look at the imports for feeding the people? The answers are so annoying that one starts thinking that although every one know what the people of the region are going through why don’t they start making amends to get the things straight. But the biggest reason is that no one wants to leave their personal interests and think about the sufferings of citizens.

    1. Growth in Population:

    The most important factor is the ever growing population of the continent that always makes the available food insufficient for the people. Due to lack of a proper infrastructure like in air cargo and sea cargo, there is no check on the rise in population and the consequences have to be faced by all.

    A proper planning for educating the people and making them realize of what is happening due to their negligence is very important. Due to poor living conditions, the death toll is very high among the infants and there is nothing the locals can do.

    2. Corruption:

    Another very disturbing reason is the high rate of corruption in the region that hinders in the way of having a proper infrastructure. Every one is busy in filling their own pockets and at lower levels, people are also doing it to have a decent living standard. There is no coordination among the offices and people do not care of what is happening to the common man due to their unlawful activities. Officials do not hesitate to use up the money meant for a certain reform and hence the situation remains as it is. This has made the high food trade as there is something the authorities have to feed the people.

    3. Slow Economic Growth:

    Considering the above two points, the situation becomes clear as why the region suffers from the serious low economic growth. Due to lack of communication and coordination the economic growth becomes very slow.

    The importation of food is much more than the export and hence, the return of money is not possible. Apart from the South African region which is mainly a trade point for the continent and have strict rules and regulations regarding trade, the rest of the parts need a lot of work to be done in this regard. Recommended reading: Culinary vacations in Africa.

  • The Top 9 Ports of the UK

    Major Sea Ports that play vital role in the advancements of cargo business in the UK

    United Kingdom is one of the most stable economies and in the early times, being an island country, the UK was totally relying on the sea shipping even for transportation across the region. The country has hundreds of small and large docks, harbor and shipping ports. Almost all ports in the UK are still active and offers cargo shipping to the other countries and also offers to ship all across the globe.

    When importing items to the UK utilizing port offerings, you’ll in no way have to be aware of which port you use on your distinctive cargo as Cargo to Africa provides you a full range of the first-class service in your cargo delivered to your destination whether it is in Africa or in the UK. However, you’ll be very careful and need to know which port in the UK your goods might be shipped to. One of the first questions you must ask when you consider your excess baggage and another bulk cargo via sea freight is “which port is closest to me?” but again you need to be very careful deciding get delivered your cargo on that port too.

    Most probably, we prefer that what port is nearer or easily accessible to us and the cargo service providers offer to give us cargo delivered to us straight away. These phrases can quite often just right to be true and can end up with you paying out exorbitant concealed charges when your goods reach the UK.

    When small corporations import their cargo items and even export them out of the UK, they knew that there are five fundamental ports through which they could route a cargo on board a cargo ship and can deliver it across the globe. They mostly use the UK’s busiest container port named Felixstowe. From across the globe, it is the undoubted destination for shipments, right here’s a summary of different ports in the UK.

    1-       The Port of Felixstowe

    It is the Well-known port of the United Kingdom originated in Suffolk, the Port of Felixstowe is biggest and demanding container port in the United Kingdom and one of the largest sea ports across the Europe. Should you’re importing not up to a container (LCL) shipment from Asia then this is effectively unswerving, where we’ll have it dispatched to. Regardless of the place in the UK, your items are to be delivered to the UK’s Largest Port. The Felixstowe East region makes it upright site to dispense your cargo to wherever you want them across the UK.

    The port handles a massive amount of cargo not less than 3.5 million twenty-foot containers on yearly basis and provides some of the deepest water close to the open sea of any European port. Felixstowe covers more than 365 ports across the globe to runs shipping services. Felixstowe is the port most commonly used and will usually be where your items are shipped to with no hidden costs.

    2-       The Port of Southampton

    You are engaged in any kind of business and it is centered in the south of England and importing full containers of goods and cargo of any kind, then Southampton is a good option. The saving in haulage expenses that may be received by using routing containers through Hampshire, the port of Southampton most likely makes Southampton the fine place to send your cargo container. We will additionally use it for container masses if there’s a just right carrier from your supplier’s nearest port in Asia.

    The Port of Southampton has the second largest container terminals in the UK – and so they control not less than 1.5 million TEUs every year. Southampton’s dredging program implies that 15.5m draft vessels, and it will allow the world’s largest container ships to get into the port. For reference, this can be a map with the places of the fundamental ports in the UK. You should use this to see which port is closest to you.

    3-       The Port of Tilbury

    The port of Tilbury is placed on the bank of the River Thames in the Essex County, we often utilize the port of Tilbury to import goods from Australia, USA, and the Middle East. The Port of Tilbury runs the London Container Terminal, which is Europe’s biggest terminal for refrigerated containers. It has 1,400 reefer plugs on terminal and access to a 25,000 pallet space cold retailer facility operated by NFT. The Port has some stiff competition from the new London Gateway port on the River Thames ahead of the Tilbury port which is about to come to be certainly one of Britain’s most important ports and is only a few miles along the banks of the Thames.

    4-       The Port of Grangemouth

    The Port of Grangemouth is Scotland’s biggest container port and lies midway between Glasgow and Edinburgh in the coronary heart of Scotland’s industrial sector. This port is Scotland’s most important container terminal and on yearly basis, this port handles roughly one hundred fifty thousand containers. As Grangemouth is connected to the M9 Motorway, it has links to the countrywide motorway network and the railway. Interestingly, the Port of Grangemouth is the only port within the UK that exports more than its import. Preferably the second best option, if you’re just starting out and have to hold an eye fixed in your budget.

    Roughly 9 million tons of cargo are being managed through the port facilities each and every year. Of this, 2.5 million tons is dry cargo, which denotes received uncooked materials for Scottish industry and outgoing finished products. As Scotland’s essential container terminal, this port handles approximately one hundred fifty thousand, containers which are almost 30 percent of Scotland’s gross domestic product (GDP) goes through this port.  It’s the largest feeder port of the UK and the one who exports more than it imports.

    This sea cargo port has two gantry cranes, 113 straddle carriers, modern day driver’s reception system, fixed Terminal operating system, 500,000 square feet of warehousing, 365 acres of estate, Private and common customer docks, LPG berth, Committed common cargo berths, Capability to control ro-ro, part port, and conventional vessels.

    Grangemouth’s region at the center of Scotland’s essential areas of production and consumption, its rail and road based sea links, and its land availability makes the superb combo for the port’s extra progress as a logistics and distribution hub.

    5-       London Gateway Port

    London Gateway is the most advanced port and as the name implies, it is in London on the River Thames. The benefits to having a port placed on the edge of the capital city are great. It could completely streamline your supply chain. London Gateway definitely has the largest logistics park in Europe. They’re identified for the control of high volumes of time touchy and perishable goods on the grounds that of their completely quick ship-to-keep occasions. In case you do reside in or near town, this port lands your goods almost directly at your feet, which is able to prevent significant shipping fees. London Gateway’s base is towards 78 percent of the UK market in comparison with the nation’s present largest port including the Midlands and the North West. Appropriately, it’s only a 10-minute force far away from the M25.

    6-       Liverpool Port

    The Port of Liverpool is the sealed off 7.5 miles port from Brunswick Port in Liverpool to Seaforth Port, Seaforth, on River Mersey and the Birkenhead Port between Birkenhead and Wallasey on the west aspect of the river. The port is being prolonged with the support of the constructing of an in-river container terminal at Seaforth Port, name Liverpool 2. The terminal will berth to 14,000 container Panamax ships. The terminal planned to develop on even advance bases, at the same time with the extended third locks of the Panama Canal.

    Garston Docks that are situated in the city of Liverpool should not a part of the Port of Liverpool. Mersey Docks and Harbour company operates the docks to the south of the Pier Head are functioned with the aid of the Canal & River believe, the successor to former operator British Waterways.

    Cruise ships sailed from Langton Dock, a part of the surrounded north docks method. Departures and arrivals were the field to tides. Cruise ships lower back to Liverpool’s Pier Head in 2008, berthing at a newly built cruise terminal, allowing departures and arrivals at any time. The terminal has been used as the begin and end of cruises, and now not basically a stop-off factor. This resulted in a clash with Southampton as a result of the great public subsidy supplied for the new terminal and Liverpool city Council has agreed to repay. Several colossal Royal Navy vessels, corresponding to HMS memorable and HMS Ark Royal, have moreover visited the terminal.

    The port can control cruise liners, roll-on roll-off ferries, and cargo of all forms. It’s not located in a single area, it stretches beside the tidal river, together with relevant London, with many character wharfs, docks, terminals and facilities built incrementally over the centuries. As with many identical ancient European ports, important of Antwerp and Rotterdam, the popular events has regularly moved downstream closer to the open sea, as ships have grown better and different makes use of soak up land in the direction of the town’s center.

    In modern days there will be a revival in using the River Thames for relocating cargo between terminals inside the Port of London. That is visible to be within the foremost part due to the environmental rewards of moving such cargo through the rivers linked to the sea mouths and as a substitute to shipping the cargo on the congested roads and rail networks of the capital. Neighborhood authorities are contributing to this wide in intra-port traffic, with waste shift and destruction debris being taken by barges on the river. At the reward, the construction of the Olympic Park and Crossrail are each utilizing the river as a means of transporting cargo and waste material. The Crossrail encounter on its own will involve the transporting of 5 million tons of fabric downstream via the Port, from locations similar to Canary Wharf to new nature reserves being built in the Thames inlet subject. This also requires the re-opening of wharves or piers for more than a few constructing initiatives alongside or near the Thames, Battersea coal jetty being basically the most contemporary.

    In 2008, to determine for intra-port alternative used to be 1.9 million tons, making the River Thames the busiest inland waterway within the UK.

    7-       The Port of Glasgow

    Glasgow is the second largest city within the Inver Clyde of Scotland and the port is also second largest port in Scotland. According to the 1991 census the population of Port Glasgow was 19,426 men and women and in the 2001 census was 16,617 men and women. The latest census in 2011 states that the population has dropped to 15, 414. It is placed promptly to the east of Greenock and was once earlier a borough in the former county of Renfrew. This port is also the best medium of door to door cargo service.

    The city was once at first named Newark, however because of ships no longer being capable of making it all the approach up the shallow river Clyde it was once formed as a port for neighborhood Glasgow in 1668 and grew to be Port Glasgow in 1775. Port Glasgow was connected to dry docks and shipbuilding founding in 1762. The city grew from the crucial area of the present city and hence the numerous city’s historic constructions are persistent here. Port Glasgow increased up to the steep hills inland to open fields the place areas equal to Park Farm, Bogle stone, Slaemuir, and Devol had been established. This discipline has due to this fact turn out to be often called upper Port Glasgow and most of the town’s population occupies these areas.

    8-       Port of Hull

    The Port of Hull is a port at the union of the River Hull and the Humber Estuary in Kingston upon Hull, England. Seaborne exchange at the port can be drawn at the end of the thirteenth century, in the start piloted usually on the outfall of the River Hull, often called The Haven, or later as the historical Harbour. In 1773, the Hull Dock organization was formed and Hull’s first dock constructed, on land formerly occupied by Hull city walls; in the next half of century a ring of docks was built across the historical down on the website of the previous ramparts, often called the town Docks. Firstly, the Dock (1778), Humber Dock (1809), and Junction Dock (1829) an addition, Railway Dock (1846) was opened to serve the newly built Hull and Selby Railway.

    The primary dock east of the river, Victoria Dock, opened in 1850. Docks alongside the banks of the Humber to the west were begun in 1862 with the construction of the West Dock, later Albert Dock, the William Wright extension, opened in 1880, and a dock further west, St. Andrew’s Dock, opened in 1883. In 1885, a brand new Japan dock used to be built, Alexandra Dock, linked to a brand new railway line settled with the assistance of the equal constructor, the Hull Barnsley and West riding Junction Railway and Dock enterprise. Transport connections were enhanced in 1969 by the Queen Elizabeth Dock extension. As of 2016, Alexandra is being updated for use in wind farm development, with a factory, and inlet phase dock under the building, a development often called green Port Hull.

    The city Docks, Victoria Dock, and St. Andrew’s Dock fell out of use by means of the 1970’s and have been closed, some later infilled and improved, with the Humber and Railway docks improved for performing craft as Hull Marina.

    Other facilities at the port combined the Riverside Dock, made on the Humber banks at Albert Dock for passenger ferries and European trains, and the enterprise Quay, from which a Humber Ferry sailed to New Holland, Lincolnshire. Many industrial works had been served by the River Hull, which also compared the quantity of dry dock. To the east of Hull, Salt finish close Hedon grew to become a petroleum distribution factor in the 20th century, with docks into the inlet for shipment, and later developed as chemical works. As of 2010, the vital port is functioned with the aid of connected British Ports and is expected to handle a million passengers per year; it is the primary softwood bushes import for the United Kingdom.

    9-       Port of Dover

    The Port of Dover is the channel port established in Dover, Kent, southeast England. It’s the adjacent English port to France, at simply 34 kilometers away, and is the country’s busiest passenger port, with 16 million travelers, 2.1 million Lorries, 2.8 million automobiles and motorcycles and 86,000 coaches passing through it every year, with an annual income of 58.5 million a year.

    The port has been possessed and functioned through the Dover Harbour Board, a legal manufacturer, for the reason that it was once shaped by the Royal constitution in 1606 with the aid of King James I. Many of the board members are employees of the department for Transport. The port has its own personal police drive, the Port of Dover Police.

  • South Africa Cargo Shipping Tribulations

    How to circumvent from the doubtful situations?

    There are uncertainties present in mind of the sender, like will the parcel reach its destination in one piece and in its original form and not get misplaced during the journey. Same is the case when you are sending a gift or cargo from UK to Africa. The journey over here is not risk-free, unfortunately, there are many things that can delay and make the work difficult.

    People love to send gifts to their loved ones back in the hometown or for those who are away from their homes for a particular reason. The safe delivery of goods is not an impossible thing when you are considering this region. But some special cares should be taken to make sure that the consignment reaches its final point without any harm.


    Packing is the foremost thing in sending a parcel anywhere in the world. In the case of South African countries, the packing necessities change a little bit to add extra security to the goods to be transferred. First of all, the parcel should not be in a gift wrapping, there should be a secure box in which the gift is placed.

    Extra places in the box should be filled to avoid your things moving here and there and get damaged and also proper packing will avoid a delay in custom clearance. If there is an item which is liable to be broken during the course then an extra box should be added and tapped properly to avoid any future distress.

    Choose the Freighter Carefully:

    There is a high rate of theft in this region and thieves, very cunningly, work in the freight companies or customs and have a whole access to the cargo shipping that enters the borders of consignee’s country. They very skillfully loot the whole package or the items inside and leave only the outer packing or in other cases, half of the gift boxes vanish from the port or the warehouse.

    In such a case, to avoid this situation choose a freighter very carefully and trust only the recommended one with high ratings by a friend or a colleague etc. Also, pack the gift in a big box that makes your parcel weigh 1 kg or more. As heavy parcels get checked under strict custom clearance and in special care and are placed separately. Also, the tracking number is very important and cargo with a tracking id and insurance have fewer chances of disappearing as it makes the parcel more valuable and is taken carefully and properly.

    Other Things to consider:

    Apart from this, there are other things that can make the delivery of the parcel slow. Customs duty on taxable items changes vigorously and in some cases, the recipient has to pay those extra charges to clear the package from the port as the change can even take place when the parcel is on its way to the South African destination.

    Secondly, a broader survey of paperwork should be done so that a complete documentation is present to satisfy the customs clearance and missing papers do not delay your gift to reach its actual owner. A reliable freighter with a properly trained team will make every step easier for you.

  • A New Cargo Terminal Soon to Open in Kenya

    Cargo Exchange of dry and perishable goods will be made efficient through this new entry

    Africa mainly relies on sea cargo transfer for its imports and exports to take place. Building its air freight capacity will help in more international trade through air which will help in attracting more and more clients. This will also help to build strong air cargo services.

    This news is like a fresh air for the air cargo industry in Africa, which will give a separate portion for the perishable and dry goods in newly build sections. Another plus point is that the exporters and importers will be able to do the exchange of these goods knowing that their goods are safe and will reach in desired condition.

    The location:

    The terminal is set to open at Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta International airport in Nairobi, East Africa. The opening of the terminal is due in September 2018 which will provide the capacity of 80,000 tons, its upgrade to 150,000 tons is already planned.

    The project is being handled by Germany’s Acunis, a joint venture between Unitechnik and Amova. This will be their second project as currently they are building the Africa’s largest cargo terminal for Ethiopian Airlines in Addis Ababa Airport.

    What will change after the completion?

    This terminal will help in the faster exchange of perishable and dry goods in the future. The export of such products will become easy and quick and above all reliable. These goods may involve fruits, vegetables, other edibles and spices.

    It will be a trade opener for Kenya with modern facilities as temperature controlled environment for the goods with limited shelf life, a warehouse which will accommodate the dry goods as well and make the whole process more efficient and according to the need of the day.

    Challenges Faced in Planning:

    The Acunis spokesman said that the major challenge they faced was to adjust all the areas in one place which was available for the task. The warehouse, custom clearance and break rooms are in a compact space. They are going to choose the option of dividing the whole area in two sections that is one for dry goods and the other for perishable ones.

    These storages are kept the same in case of layout the only difference is that the perishable goods section is regulated with temperature controlled environment by keeping it down to 2 degree centigrade. Each storage area is loaded with high-bay store, a Euro pallet store, a small parts warehouse and a section for bulky goods.

    What more help is being provided:

    A work of this nature reaches its completion with ease if proper machinery is employed in the project. The Acunis is also providing the conveying and handling systems for the completion of the interior of the structure. These machineries include roller conveyers and industrial trucks, work stations as well as loading and unloading bridges for trucks. This will surely boost Cargo to Africa.

    After all the hard work being put in the project it will prove to be fruitful in the future and make way for the advancement in the air cargo services in the African region. This will also prove a job opener for many citizens who are in search of a decent living.

  • A New Cargo to India Route from Africa as A Fifth Gateway

    Largest African cargo Airline has headed towards India to deliver express cargo to Ahmedabad

    Finally, the largest African cargo carrier, Ethiopian Airlines, is pleased to declare that they are going to India as their new destination for cargo and the addition of Ahmedabad airport is a new route for sending cargo to India, and it will be a fifth new gateway to its international cargo network on the 28th of March, 2017.

    Ahmedabad is one of the ancient Indian city of Muslim Emperor’s times and it is also proud to be India’s second oldest and hoariest stock exchange across India. Ahmedabad is the largest cotton producer in India, while it is an emerging industrial hub in the country and putting its maximum share into the economy of India, dwelling a population of six million people or even more.

    What Ethiopian Airlines says?

    The CEO of the freight at Ethiopian airlines, Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam, is well informed about the cargo operations of the airline in India and says that the Ethiopian air cargo services to India were first started in the early 90’s. It was the time when the airline was operating from India and launching their first cargo station in Mumbai.

    Perfecting the booming economic associates of the clan between India and the African continent at weighty, Ethiopian airline have made liable cargo services available to Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi and now to Ahmedabad.

    According to the CEO of the largest African cargo handler airline, this route will be the fifth Cargo Gateway to India. Even as operating within the principal trade lanes between Africa, Europe, Far East and Asia.

    Here is another itinerary form India by a real traveler.

    The CEO further stated that the cargo community is fruitfully linking the Indian sub-continent and Africa further with China and Hong Kong. The Ethiopian Airline is delivering the Indian market with minimal weekly import cargo of 240 lots per week.

    What CEO feels about the Indian Market?

    The CEO of the Ethiopian airlines feels that their new services to Ahmedabad will additionally beef up the existing trade and commercial ties between the two quickest growing regions of the world, India and Ethiopia.

    The Airline will become the medium of linking both friend countries through its services and this relationship will be further enhanced in the future when the airline will increase its destinations in the country.

    What is the reality of Ethiopian airline in Africa?

    Ethiopian airline is the largest airline in the African continent and it is the largest cargo network operator as well and one of the vital most international cargo players as well. The airline is serving 36 international locations and delivering cargo to them with a typical everyday uplift of 650 on the top of the belly,

    maintain potential of a hundred and fifty tons to more than 90 locations globally, deploying a full and powerful fleet of its all the 8 dedicated freighters together with six state of the art Boeing B777-200LRF and a couple of – Boeing B757-260F freighter aircraft for global operations.

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